Conveyancing Services & Property Law
Getting the right advice from specialist Lawyers in the fields of Conveyancing Services and Property Law is essential to ensure that your family home and other property assets are both protected and enhanced.
At Bateman Battersby Lawyers Penrith we appreciate the role that real estate assets can play in the lives of our clients either as a home or investment and we know the conveyancing steps that should be taken to ensure that our clients property assets are fully protected.
Our Conveyancing Service and Property Lawyers, John Bateman and Michael Battersby are both accredited by the Law Society of New South Wales as specialists in the field and have provided some of the area’s best expertise and knowledge in Conveyancing and Property Law for over 30 years. Using their personal and professional skills they can help address problems that may arise in any conveyancing transaction when you’re buying, selling, developing or otherwise dealing with your property assets whether in the Penrith area or elsewhere in New South Wales.
We can assist you with: