Prenuptial or Financial Agreements
You can save a lot of heartache and significant legal costs if you work out how your assets are going to be distributed in the event of a separation. Anyone who is planning to marry for the first time and bringing in assets to the relationship or people who are re-marrying should seriously consider making a Financial Agreement or referred to as Pre-nuptial Agreements. You can make these Agreements prior to marriage, during the marriage or at the end of the marriage. These Agreements are under the Family Law Act and are recognised by the Family Court as a way of organising the distribution of your assets if your marriage should break down.
With a Financial Agreement there is no need to go to Court. Each party must have independent legal advice and Solicitors will need to sign a Statement of Independent Advice. All you need to do is to advise us as to what assets you are planning to bring into the relationship and how those assets will be distributed in the event that your marriage breaks down. You will also need to obtain advice in the event that there are children of the relationship.
At Bateman Battersby Lawyers Penrith, our experienced team can assist you with all aspects of a Financial Agreement, including:
- providing initial advice on Financial Agreements;
- preparing your Financial Agreement.