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FAQ – Social Security Reviews and Appeals
Some of the most commonly asked questions about Social Security Reviews and Appeals are discussed on this page.
1. What are my Social Security Entitlements?
The age pension is paid to men who are between 65 and 67 or older and women qualify at different ages depending on their date of birth. Your right to a pension depends on either an income test or an assets test, which ever gives you the smallest pension. It could also depend on a period of permanent residence in Australia.
The assets test applies to a number of pensions as well as the age pension. Your own home is not counted in the test and in addition you may have assets to a certain value before the pension is affected.
The age pension is taxable but not if it is your only source of income. The income test may reduce your pension depending on how much you earn, for example from part-time jobs or investments.
Pension rates vary for married and single people and are adjusted periodically to take into account inflation. Federal, state and local governments provide fringe benefits to pensioners. These include health benefits, reduced charges for rates, telephone, gas, electricity, and car registration and concession rates on public transport.
If your spouse is intellectually or physically disabled or seriously ill and you have to care for him or her at home, you may be eligible for a carer’s pension.
If you do not agree with a decision in relation to your pension made by Centrelink you may be entitled to seek a review of that decision and if you are not satisfied with the result you may be entitled to appeal against it. You can appeal to the Social Securities Appeal Tribunal or alternatively to the Administrative Appeal Tribunal.
Bateman Battersby can advise you on the appeals process to these tribunals and represent you if you wish or assist you to make written submissions in respect to your case.
If you would like further information, or require assistance, please contact us on (02) 4731 5899 or send us an email by clicking on the ‘Contact Us’ page of our website.
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FAQ Social Security Reviews and Appeals