Estate Checklist
Following the death of a loved one you may need to notify some of the following persons or institutions:
- Solicitor (Will & Estate Administration)
- Financial Planner
- Life Insurance Company
- Superannuation Funds
- Banks/Financial Institutions
- Funeral Fund
- Medicare/Health Benefit Fund
- Employer
- Centrelink/Overseas Pension/Department of Veterans Affairs
- Services (Water, Gas, Electricity, Telephone, Cable, T.V. Network)
- Accountant/Tax Agent/ATO (Tax Return)
- Home services (Internet Provider, Deliveries, Lawn mowing, Gardening)
- RMS (Motor Vehicle, Boat Insurances & Registrations)
- Road Tolling (E-Toll/E-Tag)
- Company Share Registers
- Medical Practitioner/Dentist
- Landlord/Strata Manager (if applicable)
- Clubs or Associations
- Minister/Church Association
- Electoral Roll
- Charitable organisations
- Library
- Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter etc)
- Post Office (redirect mail if desired)
Please feel free to contact Lisa Delalis or John Bateman of our office on (02) 4731 5899 or email us at should you require any further information or assistance.
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Estate Checklist