Character References
How they can help if you are going to Court
Written references about your good character can help your case in Court.
It is a good idea to obtain one or more references from people who are “of good reputation”. This means they don’t have a criminal record or a bad reputation. These people may be neighbours, family friends, workmates, members of clubs or organisations you belong to (e.g. community, sporting, religious, political or other groups).
Each reference should be:-
- Addressed to “The Presiding Magistrate”;
- An Original;
- Neatly written or typed;
- Signed by the writer of the reference, with the name of the person printed underneath;
Each reference should include the following:-
- A statement from the person writing the reference that he/she is aware of the charges before the Court and, if possible, that the offences are ‘out of character’ for you;
- How long the person has known you;
- How the person knows you (e.g. as an employer, workmate, priest, teacher, team members, family friend, flat mate, etc.);
- The person’s opinion of your character;
- Anything which might help the Court concerning your charges (e.g. your general honesty if it is a stealing charge; your general driving ability if it is a drink driving charge);
- Dated.
If you require any further information about Character References please contact Oliver Hagen or Ken Gray at Bateman Battersby Lawyers on (02) 4731 5899 email us at
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Character References for Court Appearances